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Why buy when you can DIY? That’s the mantra I live by everyday. Here are a few of my favorite handmade crafts, and I’m sharing them with all with you!

Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

So who’s the special guest posting here at I Try DIY?

The Martha Stewart of My Life: MY MOM!

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

For Christmas, my mom gave me the Martha Stewart Crafts Circle Edge Paper Punch Starter Kit. It was a crafter’s solution to making custom paper doilies. I had seen it advertised in a crafts magazine once, but never expected to get one.

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Because my mom had given me the puncher, she didn’t have one for herself. With her crafty ways, she learned of a way to be able to make these doilies without the special circle edge puncher. I told my Mom to share the instructions so all you readers can make your own as well. Read on to learn how!

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Here’s what you’ll need:
Paper, Puncher, Circle Protractor, Scissors, Pencil, Scissors, Ruler

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Prepare a punch sample. Measure the size of the punched area (giving allowance to the next

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Using an 8” (or desired size) 360 circle protractor, mark the degrees you will be using as well as
the center of the circle. For example, if you use a Floral Vine Punch around the page – punched area covers 42 degrees – use 45 degrees. Divide 360 by 45 to come up with the number of triangles (in this case is 8)

Mark the “8 degrees” you will be using and the center of the paper. In our example: 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 and 360.

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Using a straight ruler, connect opposite degrees passing the center of the paper.

In our example: connect 45 with 225, 90 with 270, 135 with 315, 360 with 180. Cut your circle.

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Mark the center of your puncher. Set this center mark with the line of your triangle and punch away. Continue punching around until you have completed the circle.

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

I Try DIY | Guest Post: Alternative Circle Edge Puncher

Note: Some “punch around the page” punchers will cause a solid area – do not worry. This can be an added design to your doily.

Also, sometimes the size of the punch area cannot create an equal number of triangles. For example, If you use the Monarch Butterfly Trim, the punch area is 50 degrees. Dividing 360 by 50 will give you 7 triangles with an approximate measurement of 51 – 1/5 degrees per triangle. Just keep trying on regular bond paper prior to using nicer paper.