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Why buy when you can DIY? That’s the mantra I live by everyday. Here are a few of my favorite handmade crafts, and I’m sharing them with all with you!

Craft Easy x I Try DIY | Christmas Gift Tag Ideas

For most of my adult life, I’ve lived alone in quaint apartments and condos. That didn’t really allow for a regular Christmas Tree. Instead, I opted to put up a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree instead. I decorated my workspaces pretty much the same way. Desks and cubes didn’t keep me from feeling festive.  So when Craft Easy sent me all these star puffs, I knew exactly what I had to make. So so many Christmas crafts ideas!


DIY Leather Cover for Kimidori Project Notebooks

DIY Leather Cover for Kimidori Project Notebooks

For the past couple months, Mansy and I have been working hard on a new project. We’ve turned our love for documenting memories into a fun new endeavor called Kimidori Project! Our notebooks are available exclusively (for now) at the Hey Kessy shop, Urban Turf, UP Town Center in QC. If you’re a fan of Midori Traveler’s Notebooks, then this quick DIY is perfect for you.
