Here’s a simple craft that’s popped up at many parties I’ve decorated for. It even made it onto a spread in Total Girl’s July issue! Who can say no to pretty patterns and cute colors?
I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

Here’s what you’ll need:

Printed paper (preferably cardstock), scissors, double-sided tape or glue, paper straws and push pins.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

Cut your paper into small squares. I cut these into 4-inch ones.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

With the double-sided table, stick two square sheets together. You can use glue instead of tape. I just find that glue can sometimes make your paper bacon.

I always choose contrasting patterns and colors. If you have double-sided scrapbook paper, it’ll work as well.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

Lightly draw diagonal lines to serve as guides for cutting later.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

From each corner, cut until halfway to the center.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

With the push pin, punch a small hole through the corners that you will be folding down.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

I apply a drop or two of super glue to hold down the corners to the center and the push pin. Sometimes, the push pin pops out. This helps keep everything in place. This is completely optional, so you can skip this step if you like.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

As you can see, I flipped sides when I made the next pinwheel.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

Pin the pinwheel onto a paper straw. You can glue or tape it in place.

I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

All done!
I Try DIY | DIY Tutorial: Pretty Party Pinwheels

September 24, 2013
September 26, 2013
