Anyone who knows me knows that coffee time is the most precious moment of my day. Nothing gets done until a cup of joe has been downed. I had a full weekend, so I slept in a little bit this morning. I knew I had work to catch up on, but coffee had to be had before anything.
I saw a brush on my table as I was drinking the cup, and was deciding on what I could use to do some writing and doodling. Watercolor? Ink? Nope. The answer was right in front of me. Literally.
I noticed that my morning espresso was pretty dark and rich. So, I quickly poured some coffee onto my palette.
When I started dipping the brush in the coffee, it turned out to not be so dark. It sure was the best smelling paint I’ve ever worked with, I can tell you that!
I took out the watercolor paper pad, and quickly doodled away.
I don’t have the best handwriting or brush calligraphy work, but kudos to me for trying.
Yup. Coffee now, work later.
I remember that one year I gave up coffee for lent. My coworkers immediately told me to never do it again. Too cranky for life.
Such a delicious crafty morning. Will definitely try using coffee for other things. Delish!
Just as I’m finishing this off, I learn that it’s National Coffee Day (in America)! How timely! ♥♥♥