Sometime last year, I got so addicted with wire crafts and jewelry. Making these rose-shaped wire rings were a definite favorite. I started selling them bazaars, even making custom ones on the spot. We included this at last year’s Craft Camp Amazing Craft Race activity.
Want to learn how to make these little beauties? Here’s how! You’ll need some wire, pliers and a wire cutter. I use 18 gauge silver-plated wire for my rings. It’s flexible enough to work with, but is sturdy enough to keep its shape. If you can’t find colored wire, you can use nail polish to paint the ring once you’re done.
I use a ring shaper to make sure my finished pieces are the right size. If you don’t have one, need not fret. A marker or anything tube-like should work the same.
You’ll need wire about a foot long. Wrap it around the shaper two to three times.
Twist the two free ends to keep the wire in place. We’ll call this the anchor.
Keep twisting and turning the remaining wire around the anchor. It should start looking like a rose as you keep going.
Keep going until you have about half an inch of wire left. Wrap the remaining wire around the ring’s band. Make sure to cut any protruding wire so you won’t cut or scratch yourself when you wear the ring.
Wear one or many to your next event. Make rings to match your OOTD.
Materials used:
Artistic Wire 20-Gauge Buy-The-Dozen, Various Colors, 12-Pack
Beadsmith 7-Piece Jewelry Pliers Set with Case, Mini
tayyab ali
Awesome Designs, Can you tell me from where we get the color full wires?
I got mine from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0044JPQV6/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B0044JPQV6&linkCode=as2&tag=itd09-20&linkId=VUK44P3YGNOHMCHW