CandyMag.Com features me and my handwritten font work for this week’s Creative Space.
Can’t help but l♥ve the Candy Girls!
Well, that was a great welcome to the Creative Market community!
Here’s something I wrote for CandyMag.Com!
Earlier this month, Bea Binene dropped by the HQ to learn a little bit more about I Try DIY’s Weaving Workshop. She insisted she wasn’t crafty, but I stood my ground and told her she could do it. In no time, she was on a roll making her piece, not wanting to leave until she was done!
Have you seen this latest article on Spot.PH?
Back in the day, all I had for inspiration were dusty books and old magazines. I used to snip portions of old magazines and stick them on the little cork board in my bedroom. For a scatterbrain like me, the wonder that is PINTEREST, keeps all those ideas, pegs and mood boards inline online for me. Pinterest has tapped me to be a part of their community of content curators in the Philippines, and I’m eager to talk more about why they’re so great.
Do you have a copy of Candy Magazine’s April issue yet?