I had so much fun last year making Dip Dyed Easter Eggs, that I wanted to try out something else. I tried to replicate this speckled nail polish trick I do, and I think it worked! Read on to learn how to make speckled easter eggs with items you might already have at home.
Start out with your basic hard boiled eggs. Make sure to immediately shock eggs in iced cold water immediately after boiling, to make it easier to peel off the eggshell later on.
Prep a mason jar with slightly salted lukewarm water.
Add a couple drops of blue and green food coloring.
No need to stir! It’ll create a more speckled uneven look.
With a spoon, place the egg in the container. I learned (the hard way) that dropping it directly into the water might not be the best idea.
Let the egg/s sit.
Every so often, check how the eggs are taking the color. Add drops of food color, and let the egg sit as you see fit.
Take it out of the container once you’re happy with the color.
Next, we’ll add some metallic speckle. To be on the safe side, always make sure your paint is non-toxic. I used Martha Stewart’s Metallic Paint in gold and bronze.
Dip a dry stiff brush or old toothbrush in the paint, and start flicking the bristles with your finger.
Keep going, until you’ve speckled the egg to your liking.
All done!
Don’t forget to try out our other easter tutorials!
Tag @mikkomix or @itrydiy when you post your final projects on instagram. I’d love to see your work! Happy crafting!